There is a cool group on Facebook called "Electronics Theory and Circuit Design". People have interesting ideas, the group has good spirit and culture.
But I had this not-so-nice discussion with a new member called Doug Hale. He proudly presented XY scope photos with a circles on a rectangular ras...
Today I need a ± 100V symmetric power supply for a few mA of current consumption. I have this power supply from my broken audio amplifier, which can deliver ± 40V or ± 50V DC peak, depending on the 4/8 Ω switch for the transformator taps. Can I double the voltage somehow?
My wife and me got impressed by an article in German c't "Der Hacker-Hunter" about Troy Hunt and his efforts. Afterwards I wrote a simple Ruby script to check against his database of leaked accounts and passwords, Currently there are about 550 millions records of 2.2...
I take notes a lot and have a long lasting love-and-hate relationship with Evernote. I would have changed it long ago for something else, provided it would:
- allow for multiple devices, Windows, Android, iOS, Linux, Web
- offer a good, Google-like full text search. No two-step search, please! (...
I have this old HP6730b notebook with Intel Core Duo and Mobile Intel 4 Grahics, which I try to keep alive for like 9 years now. Why? It is of good quality and I prefer fixing things rather than throwing them away. I upgraded it with a SSD and 6 GB of RAM. It is good enough as our kitchen laptop. I...